
Evolution Proven?

i give to you a shot term look at evolution the caterpillar to the butterfly. that in itself is evolution. also it has been proven where the legs of the caterpillar are is where the spots on the butterflies wings will be. also if you dont base evolution on Darwin many things change. the theory of evolution is ever growing and is being built upon just like Einsteins theories blew newtons theories out of the water but were not able to truly prove them until now. diversity is caused when animals of the same species or close species are mated and are from different environments. their different adaptations cause their offspring to be a mix of the 2. then over time if this is done over and over once enough adaptations have happened it is called a different species because their is barely anything lining it to what is once was. this could easily happen to humans they have found 3 different types of pre homo sapiens that exsisted at the same time period. each vied for egsistance and they could easily interbreed but changing weather caused 2 to die off because they couldn't adapt to the new climate. but some of their traits are within us and are ever shrinking just look at the pinky toe which withing a few generation may be gone. also look at our different races they are at least a start their each have their own adaptations for where they are. but as lad dwindles and we have to go into the sea or space we will be forced together causing many changes that wont be know till they happen. they are already looking into the possibility that humans born in space after generations may not be able to return to their home planet due to the environment their living in. also scientists are working on ostriches, emus, and chickens and trying to de evolve them into dinosaurs over a process in changes wings, tail, teeth and etc. each have peen proven to be changed alone so a process of these may or may not cause the desired effect. also take into effect that most scientists believe there was no longer on big bang but 2 the first being small and the second being huge merging everything everywhere into what we now know as our uniform universe.

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Anonymous said...

Looks like you know the word adaptation and that you are making a case for adaptation. Let's not equivocate adaptation with evolution or Darwinism. The word evolution is used in many different ways. Let's also not extrapolate "microevolution" to support "macroevolution". If you want to discuss this thoroughly and efficiently, I would suggest creating a debategraph on debategraph.org.

James E. Strickling, Jr. said...

Pardon me for saying so, but we might title this little missive "Confusion." As for a caterpillar "evolving" into a butterfly, that really is over the top. Moreover,there is no evidence whatever for evolution by natural selection. Extrapolation from the peppered moth just won’t cut it.
Gradual evolution cannot withstand a logical analysis.
We might add, there is no gradualist explanation for the origin of consciousness.
Likewise, there is no gradualist explanation for the origin of language.
Biblical creationism is also seen to be flawed when objectively analyzed. (A typical “analysis” is effectively an emotional reaction.)
All these issues are objectively analyzed in a new publication leading to an astonishing alternate perspective.

Check out

TheProfosist said...

have fun guys if you really want to talk about that you should go to the forum and talk cause this is just a small tidbit