
A Ending theme dosent make the anime.

to all whom pick at the ending theme. the ending theme dosnt make the anime. no are they rarely even made for the anime. very few endings have i even paid notice to except for Wild Arms TV which has an awesome ending done by guitar wolf others have been catchy but thats about it. also for those of you ragging on the pillows newer albums. have you listened to their original albums or the stuff from when they were an underground band? Their origional Cd release albums were are very American college music esk style and their underground stuff which came before of course was harder closer to My Foot and Pied Piper. Most have probably only come to know the music arround and related to FLCL which is only 3ish albums. Also their style seems to change with their bassists. they go in order as so Kenji Ueda 1989–1992, Tatsuya Kashima 1992–1999, and Jun Suzuki (1999-Present). the albums are as follows i will group them with the bassists. (Moon Gold (1991), White Incarnation (1992))-(Kenji Ueda 1989–1992), (Kool Spice (1994), Living Field (1995), Please Mr. Lostman (1997), Little Busters (1998), Runners High (1999))-(Tatsuya Kashima 1992–1999), and (Happy Bivouac (1999), Smile (2001), Thank You, My Twilight (2002), Penalty Life (ペナルティーライフ, 2003), 90's My Life Returns (2004), Good Dreams (2004), My Foot (2006), Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! (2007), Pied Piper (2008))- (Jun Suzuki (1999-Present)). just listen to the albums and youll hear great differences in style. The FLCL soundtrack is only pulled from Little Busters, Runners High, and Happy Bivouac. Also in addition to that 2 of the main song Ride On A Shooting Star and I Think I Can were written and recorded specifically for FLCL. in addition look at their newest album Pied Piper it is a totally different turn from previous stuff and holds familar but improved beats from the past and yet very good. Take a look at its album artwork and booklet there is almost as much creativeness put into those as the album. Also if you havent had a chance to figure this out yet The Pillows lead guitarist Yoshiaki Manabe has his own solo band Nine Miles. Which is a reggae (because he takes great influence from Bob Marley. yes even in his work with the pillows) and he plays every instrument. I bought his latest album when i was over in japan and it is fairly good and you dont have to like reggae to like it its kinda a cross of rock and reggae in a way. Its like his way to bring his little busters a little look into what influences his musical style. Also the lead singer Sawao Yamanaka has recently started a new band as of 2005 The Predators. And is working with 2 others from other popular japanese bands that helped with the pillows 15 year anniversary tribute album.

Also dont lower your expectations because of a review unless its like a video game where problems with the game just make it utterly unplayable which dosent happen much because its animation. You really should watch just about every anime out the and find out what kind and style you like. One kind and/or style isnt the perfect choice for everyone. There are many kinds of people who watch anime from the casual viewer to the die hard otaku. With anime its really whats in the eyes of the beholder. its how you view it not how someone else has viewed it and told you to view it as such. So Make up your own mind most anime have the first episode on their site or somewhere on the web you can view legally. And remember just because you think the anime sucks dosent mean someone else doesnt love it for some reason or another. For instance just look at the reviews and comments on FLCL.

also for the people who though it was going to be like Planetes. whay did you think that? was it ever stated that it was going to be like it? does it have the same director? writer? animation studio? why does it have to be like Planetes? cant it be what it is and still be good? Its like saying all Giant Robot anime should be like Gundam. I actually think it actually show less talent and skill when a director or writer tries to copy something that was already good and long standing. Like Rahxephon and how close and similarly it mirrored Neon Genesis Evangelion an anime which has been said to have changed a whole prefecture tokyo. now thats not saying Rahxephon wasnt good i watched it and enjoyed it but it showed almost no talent on the story end because it nearly coppied a greatly admired anime and that was the major reason it was good.

One more thing does every new album from a band need to be better better than their last? what if they want to explore? should they explore and not have it published? if so how will they know if its any good? also if they dont explore how do u expect them to expand their knowledge of music and get better then be able to make better music both technically and rhythmically? also if their so called best album was their newest would their sound change at all? i could possibly get boring and you might stop listening to them.

if anyone whats to contact me for any reason email me at TheProfosist@gmail.com
Also please check out my blog and leave a comment there. theprofosist.blogspot.com

this was written in reply to http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=54686

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