after the latest revision of the mouse which they are now filling RMA's with and the latest driver/software nearly all of the problems should be fixed
if your having any trouble with your mouse, dont post it here this is just a blog not a official SteelSeries support page. but i would suggest you either:
contact SteelSeries official support:
go to my blog for some unofficial trouble shooting:
*if you would like to contact me directly your welcome. My email is
Nvidia GPU Cores Starting With 8 series through GTX 200 series
Nvidia Cores
This List Contains The Graphics Card And The Best Core In It
(the ones with the dashes are the ones with the best bang for the buck or best/most advanced core for that area)
8400 GS - G86
-8400 GS 567MHz - G98 (lowest DX10 capiable card, even comes in PCI)
8500 GT - G86
8600 GT - G84
8600 GTS - G84
-8800 GT - G92
8800 GTS 512mb - G92 (can only be paird with another exact card reguardless of manufacturer)
8800 GTS - G80
8800 GTX - G80
8800 Ultra - G80
9400 GT - G96 55nm
-9500 GT - G96 55nm(lowest end sli avaible, only good config is core clock 550MHz+, memory clock 1000MHz+, 512mb+ memory)
9600 GSO - G92
9600 GSO 512mb - G94 55nm
-9600 GT - G94 55nm
9800 GT - G92b
9800 GTX - G92
-9800 GTX+ - G92b
9800 GTX+ 1gb - G92b (newer than the regular one but for the money get a GTX 260)
9800 GX2 - G92 Dual GPU and PCB
GTX 260 - GT200
GTX 260 Core216 - GT200 with 216 stream processors
-GTX 260 Core216 - GT200 55nm with 216 stream Processors
GTX 280 - GT200
GTX 285 - GT200b
-GTX 295 - GT200b double-PCB
If you have any questions please comment or email
This List Contains The Graphics Card And The Best Core In It
(the ones with the dashes are the ones with the best bang for the buck or best/most advanced core for that area)
8400 GS - G86
-8400 GS 567MHz - G98 (lowest DX10 capiable card, even comes in PCI)
8500 GT - G86
8600 GT - G84
8600 GTS - G84
-8800 GT - G92
8800 GTS 512mb - G92 (can only be paird with another exact card reguardless of manufacturer)
8800 GTS - G80
8800 GTX - G80
8800 Ultra - G80
9400 GT - G96 55nm
-9500 GT - G96 55nm(lowest end sli avaible, only good config is core clock 550MHz+, memory clock 1000MHz+, 512mb+ memory)
9600 GSO - G92
9600 GSO 512mb - G94 55nm
-9600 GT - G94 55nm
9800 GT - G92b
9800 GTX - G92
-9800 GTX+ - G92b
9800 GTX+ 1gb - G92b (newer than the regular one but for the money get a GTX 260)
9800 GX2 - G92 Dual GPU and PCB
GTX 260 - GT200
GTX 260 Core216 - GT200 with 216 stream processors
-GTX 260 Core216 - GT200 55nm with 216 stream Processors
GTX 280 - GT200
GTX 285 - GT200b
-GTX 295 - GT200b double-PCB
If you have any questions please comment or email
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Button Stick
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
Hi, I was reading about the sticking mouse button on the WoW mouse, and I am a little reluctant to 'pull up on it like you are going to break it'. Is that really a solution or should I contact the manufacturer for a new one. Other than the occasional sticking problem, I love the mouse. But then again, in the middle of a boss fight, if it sticks I might just break it for real.
yes it is really the only solution out there besides getting a new mouse i was actually told to try that by their support before considering rmaing mine. i would try that as a temporary solution but also rma your mouse with the company. they will ask you to wait till late january or early febuary to send it if youd like because that is a big defect in the origional product and the should have a revision of the mouse that fixes that in production by then. thats actually why their not shipping to some contries mostly european and asian. once you pull back on it like your going to break it you will hear a large crack stop pulling then then click it a few times like you normally mine worked fine after that but still had a squeeking sound that it didnt origionnally have so i decided to still rma it but i am waiting till the revised version hit production.
if your wonder what actally caused the stickyness unresponsiveness and squeeking its due to the fact that the right and left click are made in layers which have to be hand put to gether in order to get the finish and feel of the brushed metalish surface.
hope i was able to help and if you need any more help or have anymore questions please ask. also if you having trouble with the in game macros and how to set them up which is something many people who have the mouse dont understand how to do. it is on my blog in one of the more recent posts
Ok, did it and got scared :) We'll see how it works but it sounds better. Thanks, I'll probably call for a replacement next month. No, I got the idea of the macros down easily, I actually don't use that many. What I wanted was to be able to add functionality without moving my left hand around, so that works well. The only draw back, and it is purely a convenience thing, is I would like to see automatic character detection and profile switching.
well it kinda does when you nimport your character into the software it gives it a default set of controls but if you mean for the program to be able to detect what character you are playing in game at the time and switch thats very possible but unlikely because blizzard wouldnt realease that much of the source code. realy the mouse/driver just acts as any other keyboard/mouse/input device to WOW. WOW never gives any realtime info to the program.
That's what I figured. It was just sort of a wish list thing. Also on the list is a split natural type gaming keyboard like the g15, so I could match lighting schemes. Mouse is working without sticking so far :) Thanks again.
well im am full content their 7g keyboard the only problem i have is that its not back lit
the reason i like the keyboard is because it still uses the hardware/mechanical style keys instead of the membrane plastic keys. the contact in the key are gold plated the keyboard respond to your every slight movement the key registers about half way pressed maybe a little less so the reviews saying tat its slower typing wise and such are just do to the fact that the person is a heavy typer and needs to feel the key hit the back plate. also the keyboard is built like a tank nothing could take this thing out. it is surprisingly very ergonomic due to the large slightly sloping palm rest it. the keyboard actlly has a ps2 connection which thay chse due to the fact that ps2 has a bigger buffer than usb for keyboard and mouse things. this allows you to press every key on the keyboard at the same time and as long at the program suporrts that many keys being pressed down they wil all register.
i love the keyboard but wish it had backlighting like i said before sadly the only way to ad this to a mechanical keybaord is individual leds in each key and with the board already being $150 that would make the price skyrocket even more
if your looking for a good basic gaming mouse like the bare min always works never a problem responces to your every movement loook into the ikari laser its by far the best gaming mouse i have used i still have it i run it with my MMO mouse 7G keyboard SX mousepad and Siberia neckband headset
if your looing for a productivity mouse look at the MX revoultion definatly the most comfortable and most ergonomic mouse i have ever used. i paired it with the dinovo edge which is an amazing keybaord very ergonomic beautiful design. sadly i no longer have this set due to the fact that my steelseries set fulfills everything that is needed on that computer
but my latest set is a logitech MX1100, razer lycosa, SteelSeries SP mousepad, the MX1100 is by far the best mouse i have ever owned it perfectly combines a productivity mouse and a gaming mouse. essentially logitech took the mx revolution and combined it with the g5 and took into condsideration the falts of both. it has the ergonomics and comfortability of the mx revolution but then have adjustible dpi 400-1600 and a hidden button under the thumb. they also fixed the micro gear scrool wheel pronblem that the MX revoltion had where you switch modes from fee spin to click modes by pressing the scroll whell which disabled center click or middle click(which they now have brought back so you have a 5 butoon gaming mouse +1 more buton) and you had to hold it down to wait for a clutch to catch this is now just a button and is flawless. also the razer lycosa has the ergonomics of the dinovo edgo tochcensored media controls and has backlightling and anti ghosting with a usbport and headsetports on back. the SP is just a great mouse pad plastic very smooth but dosnt work with gen 1 laser mice due to its dimpled design with gen 2 & 3 on the other had this greatly incleases its tracking accuracy as it did with infrared mice
Hi, I was reading about the sticking mouse button on the WoW mouse, and I am a little reluctant to 'pull up on it like you are going to break it'. Is that really a solution or should I contact the manufacturer for a new one. Other than the occasional sticking problem, I love the mouse. But then again, in the middle of a boss fight, if it sticks I might just break it for real.
yes it is really the only solution out there besides getting a new mouse i was actually told to try that by their support before considering rmaing mine. i would try that as a temporary solution but also rma your mouse with the company. they will ask you to wait till late january or early febuary to send it if youd like because that is a big defect in the origional product and the should have a revision of the mouse that fixes that in production by then. thats actually why their not shipping to some contries mostly european and asian. once you pull back on it like your going to break it you will hear a large crack stop pulling then then click it a few times like you normally mine worked fine after that but still had a squeeking sound that it didnt origionnally have so i decided to still rma it but i am waiting till the revised version hit production.
if your wonder what actally caused the stickyness unresponsiveness and squeeking its due to the fact that the right and left click are made in layers which have to be hand put to gether in order to get the finish and feel of the brushed metalish surface.
hope i was able to help and if you need any more help or have anymore questions please ask. also if you having trouble with the in game macros and how to set them up which is something many people who have the mouse dont understand how to do. it is on my blog in one of the more recent posts
Ok, did it and got scared :) We'll see how it works but it sounds better. Thanks, I'll probably call for a replacement next month. No, I got the idea of the macros down easily, I actually don't use that many. What I wanted was to be able to add functionality without moving my left hand around, so that works well. The only draw back, and it is purely a convenience thing, is I would like to see automatic character detection and profile switching.
well it kinda does when you nimport your character into the software it gives it a default set of controls but if you mean for the program to be able to detect what character you are playing in game at the time and switch thats very possible but unlikely because blizzard wouldnt realease that much of the source code. realy the mouse/driver just acts as any other keyboard/mouse/input device to WOW. WOW never gives any realtime info to the program.
That's what I figured. It was just sort of a wish list thing. Also on the list is a split natural type gaming keyboard like the g15, so I could match lighting schemes. Mouse is working without sticking so far :) Thanks again.
well im am full content their 7g keyboard the only problem i have is that its not back lit
the reason i like the keyboard is because it still uses the hardware/mechanical style keys instead of the membrane plastic keys. the contact in the key are gold plated the keyboard respond to your every slight movement the key registers about half way pressed maybe a little less so the reviews saying tat its slower typing wise and such are just do to the fact that the person is a heavy typer and needs to feel the key hit the back plate. also the keyboard is built like a tank nothing could take this thing out. it is surprisingly very ergonomic due to the large slightly sloping palm rest it. the keyboard actlly has a ps2 connection which thay chse due to the fact that ps2 has a bigger buffer than usb for keyboard and mouse things. this allows you to press every key on the keyboard at the same time and as long at the program suporrts that many keys being pressed down they wil all register.
i love the keyboard but wish it had backlighting like i said before sadly the only way to ad this to a mechanical keybaord is individual leds in each key and with the board already being $150 that would make the price skyrocket even more
if your looking for a good basic gaming mouse like the bare min always works never a problem responces to your every movement loook into the ikari laser its by far the best gaming mouse i have used i still have it i run it with my MMO mouse 7G keyboard SX mousepad and Siberia neckband headset
if your looing for a productivity mouse look at the MX revoultion definatly the most comfortable and most ergonomic mouse i have ever used. i paired it with the dinovo edge which is an amazing keybaord very ergonomic beautiful design. sadly i no longer have this set due to the fact that my steelseries set fulfills everything that is needed on that computer
but my latest set is a logitech MX1100, razer lycosa, SteelSeries SP mousepad, the MX1100 is by far the best mouse i have ever owned it perfectly combines a productivity mouse and a gaming mouse. essentially logitech took the mx revolution and combined it with the g5 and took into condsideration the falts of both. it has the ergonomics and comfortability of the mx revolution but then have adjustible dpi 400-1600 and a hidden button under the thumb. they also fixed the micro gear scrool wheel pronblem that the MX revoltion had where you switch modes from fee spin to click modes by pressing the scroll whell which disabled center click or middle click(which they now have brought back so you have a 5 butoon gaming mouse +1 more buton) and you had to hold it down to wait for a clutch to catch this is now just a button and is flawless. also the razer lycosa has the ergonomics of the dinovo edgo tochcensored media controls and has backlightling and anti ghosting with a usbport and headsetports on back. the SP is just a great mouse pad plastic very smooth but dosnt work with gen 1 laser mice due to its dimpled design with gen 2 & 3 on the other had this greatly incleases its tracking accuracy as it did with infrared mice
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Stopped
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
i saw your blog maybe you can help -
all of a sudden the mouse just stopped working its been fine since i got it on december 15th. i went to support but couldn't create a login to get there - i saw there was an updated DL which i did in hopes it may fix the mouse but it didnt
can you help me i love this mouse =)
ure i can try did you try a differnet usb port? how about a differnt computer without the driver on? without the driver the mouse shoulf just act lie a regular 5 button mouse if it work then try instaling the updated driver and configure it fi not i could try to crete a support account for you ifyou would like. just so u know their support page requires Java
contact me back if you need more help
i saw your blog maybe you can help -
all of a sudden the mouse just stopped working its been fine since i got it on december 15th. i went to support but couldn't create a login to get there - i saw there was an updated DL which i did in hopes it may fix the mouse but it didnt
can you help me i love this mouse =)
ure i can try did you try a differnet usb port? how about a differnt computer without the driver on? without the driver the mouse shoulf just act lie a regular 5 button mouse if it work then try instaling the updated driver and configure it fi not i could try to crete a support account for you ifyou would like. just so u know their support page requires Java
contact me back if you need more help
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Left Click
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
, i was boasting about how mine was working fine, till thismorning i start hearing squeaking from left button and it sticks every so often, nothing big like what others are having, YET , hehe hopefully it wont get too bad, what was steel's info on this, are they wanting everyone to report and they will be doing a recall or what? do you have any info on this phenomenon?
well you can request a support ticket i did on one of mine. one intimidate fix is to take your nail underneath it and pull up like your going to break the button until you hear a big crack the stop and click it like normal a few times it should be working fine. if it still isnt get a rma from SteelSeries. i suggest waiting to get the rma till early feb because i was told revisions of the mouse should be rolling off the lines late jan. this problem has actually stopped them from releasing it in many european and asia countries. i believe their just doing it on a person by person basis because some peopl have problems some dont some have different problems than other. also if your wondering about the method i stated above thats exactly what i was told by support when i contacted them about one of my mice
if you have anymore questions please get back to me
Np man. I got mine fixed pulled up on of and the thing comes half off. Popped it back on. Still squeaks but hasn't stuck in a few days now
yea id suggest sending in a support ticket to get an rma early next month then cause it shouldnt be queeing and i prefer a fuly working mouse personally
, i was boasting about how mine was working fine, till thismorning i start hearing squeaking from left button and it sticks every so often, nothing big like what others are having, YET , hehe hopefully it wont get too bad, what was steel's info on this, are they wanting everyone to report and they will be doing a recall or what? do you have any info on this phenomenon?
well you can request a support ticket i did on one of mine. one intimidate fix is to take your nail underneath it and pull up like your going to break the button until you hear a big crack the stop and click it like normal a few times it should be working fine. if it still isnt get a rma from SteelSeries. i suggest waiting to get the rma till early feb because i was told revisions of the mouse should be rolling off the lines late jan. this problem has actually stopped them from releasing it in many european and asia countries. i believe their just doing it on a person by person basis because some peopl have problems some dont some have different problems than other. also if your wondering about the method i stated above thats exactly what i was told by support when i contacted them about one of my mice
if you have anymore questions please get back to me
Np man. I got mine fixed pulled up on of and the thing comes half off. Popped it back on. Still squeaks but hasn't stuck in a few days now
yea id suggest sending in a support ticket to get an rma early next month then cause it shouldnt be queeing and i prefer a fuly working mouse personally
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse In Game Macros
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
I wanted
to follow up on your response on to one of my
comments. You wrote...
"the macros that you are looking for are already in
the software. Open the Macro Tab. Go to Custom Macros.
Click New and select No Delay. Toy around with that
and you should get it working just like u want.
To setup up the In Game Macro on the mouse you must
first create the In Game Macro in WOW. Then on the
mouse create a new custom macro using text and type
in the macro you created in WOW."
As I indicated in a longer reply that you saw the
macro that is already in the software does not
function as I want it to, and as my Logitech mouse
indeed does currently. The "no delay" feature
unfortunately does not provide for a key being held
down. Though, as shown by using the "move forward"
game command bind it IS possible for this mouse to
achieve. The custom macro portion of the software
just doesn't appear to provide for this.
As for the second part of your response I'm not
following you. I create a macro in wow, lets say for
example the following, and named PET
/petattack [nomodifier:ctrl]
/petdefensive [nomodifier:ctrl]
/petpassive [modifier:ctrl]
/petstay [modifier:ctrl]
/petfollow [modifier:ctrl]
Now I go back to the mouse interface. Are you
suggesting I make a macro in the mouse software that...
A: Contains nothing but PET
B: Is a direct cut and paste of the contents of my in
game macro.
C: Sends the keystroke assignment I have assigned to
the toolbar slot on which I have placed this in game
For my logitech mouse, and what success I have had
thus far in making the WoW mouse do what I want I have
been using option "C". If there is a more integrated
connection between the game and the mouse software I'm
underutilizing I would appreciate any clarification.
for wow you want to macro it as if you were typing it most of the ingame macros you will have to create in wow then have the click execute that macr so yes if your macro is \petattack then you must make you macro \petattack
try that out once please if you have any questions please get back to me
also just create a profile to test stuff out in to know the ins and outs of the software and driver you might just have to do a trial and error thing. also a new version of the driver/software is available
o sorry also there is a way to set how long the button is held its is in there when you create a macro i dont have the software infornt of me at the moment so i couldnt tell u exactly where
I wanted
to follow up on your response on to one of my
comments. You wrote...
"the macros that you are looking for are already in
the software. Open the Macro Tab. Go to Custom Macros.
Click New and select No Delay. Toy around with that
and you should get it working just like u want.
To setup up the In Game Macro on the mouse you must
first create the In Game Macro in WOW. Then on the
mouse create a new custom macro using text and type
in the macro you created in WOW."
As I indicated in a longer reply that you saw the
macro that is already in the software does not
function as I want it to, and as my Logitech mouse
indeed does currently. The "no delay" feature
unfortunately does not provide for a key being held
down. Though, as shown by using the "move forward"
game command bind it IS possible for this mouse to
achieve. The custom macro portion of the software
just doesn't appear to provide for this.
As for the second part of your response I'm not
following you. I create a macro in wow, lets say for
example the following, and named PET
/petattack [nomodifier:ctrl]
/petdefensive [nomodifier:ctrl]
/petpassive [modifier:ctrl]
/petstay [modifier:ctrl]
/petfollow [modifier:ctrl]
Now I go back to the mouse interface. Are you
suggesting I make a macro in the mouse software that...
A: Contains nothing but PET
B: Is a direct cut and paste of the contents of my in
game macro.
C: Sends the keystroke assignment I have assigned to
the toolbar slot on which I have placed this in game
For my logitech mouse, and what success I have had
thus far in making the WoW mouse do what I want I have
been using option "C". If there is a more integrated
connection between the game and the mouse software I'm
underutilizing I would appreciate any clarification.
for wow you want to macro it as if you were typing it most of the ingame macros you will have to create in wow then have the click execute that macr so yes if your macro is \petattack then you must make you macro \petattack
try that out once please if you have any questions please get back to me
also just create a profile to test stuff out in to know the ins and outs of the software and driver you might just have to do a trial and error thing. also a new version of the driver/software is available
o sorry also there is a way to set how long the button is held its is in there when you create a macro i dont have the software infornt of me at the moment so i couldnt tell u exactly where
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Problem
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
Good morning,
After sifting through tons of pages and looking for answers everywhere, i came across a few posts on different blogs pointing at you to be the one to ask about a possible problem i am having with my new WoW mouse. I understand you are not tech support, and apologize for waisting any of your time, but you seem to be the only person out there that knows much about the mouse.
OK, so heres the problem. I have the mouse plugged in, and have had the software from steelseries website installed and reinstalled a number of times. I have even switched the USB port the mouse is plugged into a few time in hopes that the mouse would install the correct drivers. The mouse is currently acting as a normal mouse, with the primary buttons working as well as the scroll wheel. The LED is pulsating the amber default color it is set to. The remaining 10 buttons are not responding to being pressed and when i try to change the color to the LED from the program, it stays the amber color.
Just wanted to know if you had any ideas on what the problem might be, as well as any solutions you might have for it. Thank you for your time and i look forward to hearing back from you.
try uninstaling you old software version and downloading then new on if you receive any further problem i would bring it up with support.
Just so everyone know you do need to have Java installed to be able to access their support page.
Good morning,
After sifting through tons of pages and looking for answers everywhere, i came across a few posts on different blogs pointing at you to be the one to ask about a possible problem i am having with my new WoW mouse. I understand you are not tech support, and apologize for waisting any of your time, but you seem to be the only person out there that knows much about the mouse.
OK, so heres the problem. I have the mouse plugged in, and have had the software from steelseries website installed and reinstalled a number of times. I have even switched the USB port the mouse is plugged into a few time in hopes that the mouse would install the correct drivers. The mouse is currently acting as a normal mouse, with the primary buttons working as well as the scroll wheel. The LED is pulsating the amber default color it is set to. The remaining 10 buttons are not responding to being pressed and when i try to change the color to the LED from the program, it stays the amber color.
Just wanted to know if you had any ideas on what the problem might be, as well as any solutions you might have for it. Thank you for your time and i look forward to hearing back from you.
try uninstaling you old software version and downloading then new on if you receive any further problem i would bring it up with support.
Just so everyone know you do need to have Java installed to be able to access their support page.
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Buttons
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
Hey, I've been reading the steel series blog on the wow gaming mouse and I noticed you own one and are willing to answer some questions. I put my order in a month ago and am wondering if the mouse works with other games(i know the software is only for wow). I've heard that only the left and right mouse buttons work outside of WoW and I am wondering if this is true. Can I at least use 5 or so buttons(hopefully all 15) in other games as well?
Thanks for your time.
no all buttons work ouside of wow when properly macroed to a key on the keyboard a set of keys and or actions
Hey, I've been reading the steel series blog on the wow gaming mouse and I noticed you own one and are willing to answer some questions. I put my order in a month ago and am wondering if the mouse works with other games(i know the software is only for wow). I've heard that only the left and right mouse buttons work outside of WoW and I am wondering if this is true. Can I at least use 5 or so buttons(hopefully all 15) in other games as well?
Thanks for your time.
no all buttons work ouside of wow when properly macroed to a key on the keyboard a set of keys and or actions
SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Issue
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
How are you again? Good I hope.
You and I played email tag about a month ago and I asked you numerous questions about the WoW mouse because you happened to be one of the few people with one at the time.
Well GameStop called me yesterday and told me that my pre-ordered mouse had finally arrived. I was excited so I went to pick it up within that very hour. I'm starting to get used to the feeling of the mouse as far as size is concerned, and it feels pretty well constructed too. But I'm having a very big problem and I was wondering if you had experienced similar issues.
Some of the buttons do not function on the WoW mouse while holding down the "Right Click" or "Left Click" buttons. (Mouse Buttons 4 and 5 to be exact), these are Win Buttons 4 and 5 by default. I consider this a very serious issue being that I use the "Right Click" all the time to strafe and simultaneously execute abilities. It's kind of silly for that kind of improper functionality in my opinion and I hope that it wasn't intentional design. I have tried everything in the custom macro feature with no luck as we speak. I even have the latest software from SteelSeries website. It's a real bummer because I really wanted to like this mouse. Other than that the mouse works fine as far as I can tell from a hardware standpoint; as a matter of fact if this issue were to be addressed I would consider this mouse flawless; but that's only if the issue is addressed.
Any help would be appreciated.
How are you again? Good I hope.
You and I played email tag about a month ago and I asked you numerous questions about the WoW mouse because you happened to be one of the few people with one at the time.
Well GameStop called me yesterday and told me that my pre-ordered mouse had finally arrived. I was excited so I went to pick it up within that very hour. I'm starting to get used to the feeling of the mouse as far as size is concerned, and it feels pretty well constructed too. But I'm having a very big problem and I was wondering if you had experienced similar issues.
Some of the buttons do not function on the WoW mouse while holding down the "Right Click" or "Left Click" buttons. (Mouse Buttons 4 and 5 to be exact), these are Win Buttons 4 and 5 by default. I consider this a very serious issue being that I use the "Right Click" all the time to strafe and simultaneously execute abilities. It's kind of silly for that kind of improper functionality in my opinion and I hope that it wasn't intentional design. I have tried everything in the custom macro feature with no luck as we speak. I even have the latest software from SteelSeries website. It's a real bummer because I really wanted to like this mouse. Other than that the mouse works fine as far as I can tell from a hardware standpoint; as a matter of fact if this issue were to be addressed I would consider this mouse flawless; but that's only if the issue is addressed.
Any help would be appreciated.
my best bet about that would be to contact SteelSeries Support
WOW Mouse Release Email
"Anonymous" to TheProfosist
Hey, i was supposed to get the steelseries mmo "wow" gaming mouse for christmas. I ordered it off of, but it still says that it hasnt been released yet. Is the mouse out yet or not?
to my knowledge since i recieved mine through gamestop it is released but in limited numbers and in even more limited numbers now that they have found a defect that affects some of the mice from what i heard a revision should be comming orr the line late january early febuarary. also due to this the release has been delayed in many european and asian countiries
Hey, i was supposed to get the steelseries mmo "wow" gaming mouse for christmas. I ordered it off of, but it still says that it hasnt been released yet. Is the mouse out yet or not?
to my knowledge since i recieved mine through gamestop it is released but in limited numbers and in even more limited numbers now that they have found a defect that affects some of the mice from what i heard a revision should be comming orr the line late january early febuarary. also due to this the release has been delayed in many european and asian countiries
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