
A Few SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Comments From FragYou Blog Post

Here are a few comments i made on the Delays For The WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Post on FragYou Blog SteelSeries Unofficial Official Blog


December 23rd, 2008 01:26 56
I got both of my pre-orders from gamestop today. After going through some frustration with bindings (can’t hold the right button down and click some of the buttons) I finally just told myself I’d get used to it. About and hour later while trying to arena the left mouse button broke. It makes a squeaky noise and gets stuck like its rubbing on something and it won’t pop back up.


December 24th, 2008 07:42 76
To Broken December 23rd, 2008 01:26

there is a very easy fix for that. Useing your finger nail pull up on it like you going to break it and youll hear a big crack noise. Stop right there and click it like normal it should be fine.

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?



December 23rd, 2008 02:38 57
It’d be nice if there was a troubleshooting site somewhere. My pointer locks up. All the buttons still work, but I have to unplug it and plug it back in for the mouse to move around.


December 24th, 2008 07:44 77
In Response To Robert December 23rd, 2008 02:38

I can try to help? What OS are you running? Is the USB port you have it plugged into a USB 2.0 port? What hz do you have the polling set to?

If you want to contact me by email your welcome to it. TheProfosist@gmail.com

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?

heres a link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support



December 23rd, 2008 04:31 58
I use the right mouse button to look/strafe and the other buttons do not work when you are holding another button down.


December 24th, 2008 07:47 78
In response to Joseph December 23rd, 2008 04:31

what not use a different button? does it happen when you do that action with a different button?

If you want to contact me by email your welcome to it. TheProfosist@gmail.com

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?

heres a link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support



December 23rd, 2008 12:22 60
I also just got mine home and was trying to bind the keys. Now my left mouse button is stuck also. The thing stopped working properly an hour into trying to just get it configured :(


December 24th, 2008 07:48 79
In response to cloaknpoke December 23rd, 2008 12:22

There is a very easy fix for the left click problem. Useing your finger nail pull up on it like you going to break it and youll hear a big crack noise. Stop right there and click it like normal it should be fine.

If you want to contact me by email your welcome to it. TheProfosist@gmail.com

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?

heres a link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support



December 23rd, 2008 17:25 62
WTB trouble shooting. Very VERY disappointed in the keybinds and macros. Cant use more than 1 button at once (like program the 4-way to move and middle mouse to jump and use em simultaneously) also the “supports in game macros” is a crock. I dont care about a button to open my mags or toggle auto run. Let me use, i dont know, MY IN GAME MACROS!


December 24th, 2008 08:02 80
In response to Justin December 23rd, 2008 17:25

first one way to create a macro is to lock it to a key or number of keys on the keyboard. It will then do what ever that key or key sequence would do in that game or program.

Also you dont just have in game macros. Yes there are a few defaults are there are with anything. To setup up the In Game Macro on the mouse you must first create the In Game Macro in WOW. Then on the mouse create a new custom macro useing text and type in the macro you created in WOW.

Heres a whole Wiki about WOW Macro 2.0:

If you want to contact me by email your welcome to it. TheProfosist@gmail.com

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?

heres a link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support



Buyer Beware
December 23rd, 2008 18:20 64
The quality of this mouse is $19.99. Because it has a lot of buttons it costs $99.99. Do yourself a favor and read all of the posts about broken mice and the inability to press more than one button at a time. Save yourself standing in line post Christmas and cancel your order until they completely revamp there product. Great concept, extremely poor software and quality.


December 24th, 2008 08:13 81
In response to Buyer Beware December 23rd, 2008 18:20

Do you own the mouse yourself? Have you handled the mouse yourself?

I have it and have actually done a (soon to me improved) review on it. http://theprofosist.blogspot.com/2008/12/steelseries-world-of-warcraft-wow-mmo.html

I believe the mouse is very sturdy and has a very nice feel to it and is definitely quality made as are all of SteelSeries products.

The broken mice you are talking about can all easily be fixed and these are the first batch being hurried off the lines because some people keep wanting their mouse immediately and have no patience. Also these are the first ones coming off the lines not everything is perfect right away (except for the Ikari Laser) just look at the Xbox 360.

Also people being not able to press more than one button at a time. I fairly sure that than can physically press the button and the reason why the action might no be going through is because their probably not useing In Game Macros which is when the mouse will preform at its best. Im not saying it will fix it but its worth a try right?



December 23rd, 2008 18:37 65
As two others said my left button was making some squeaky noises last night and occasionally got stuck. Nothing serious yet but a bit distressing performance right out of the box. I hope that with a bit of use this will go away. I have to agree with Justin a trouble shooting / software suggestion area would be greatly appreciated. While it seems to have a lot of potential, until I can get a few issues resolved I have a very expensive USB nightlight.

As for key bindings, a keystroke emulation with release of the button = release of the key or an extension of the programming to be able to send something on release. Ctrl(down) on press, Ctrl(up) on release is what I’m looking for.

Also the custom macro executes just as if you were typing in game. It is different than how in game macros work. While the pre programmed WOW functions are instantaneous the custom macros execute as if you were typing them manually and you can actually see them fill in on your command line.

An in game macro can be mapped to a button and clicked to execute even while int he middle of a line of chat. Using an out of game macro as in the case of the mouse software injects the macro into the command line exactly as if you were typing it in manually.

Still useful but as Justin says it falls a bit short of the claimed, “supports in game macros.” The only way I think this would be possible is to get the driver to recognize each button on the mouse as “Mouse Button 1″ through “Mouse Button 15″ and allow us to map them in game as a key bind. Then we could use our in game macros as a button.

As it stands currently I am making a macro for a button on a key such as ; and then binding that key to a toolbar and putting an in game macro on that toolbar slot. This does the trick nicely and honestly would be enough to keep me content. The loss of the ability to map a modifier key on the mouse however is seriously making my transition to this new mouse difficult.

Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


December 24th, 2008 08:32 82
In Response To JRD December 23rd, 2008 18:37

There is a very easy fix for the left click problem. Useing your finger nail pull up on it like you going to break it and youll hear a big crack noise. Stop right there and click it like normal it should be fine. And if you have any problems with the software setup id be glad to try and help you.

If you want to contact me by email your welcome to it. TheProfosist@gmail.com

Also if your having problems with the mouse why not contact support?

heres a link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support

the macros that you are looking for are already in the software. Open the Macro Tab. Go to Custom Macros. Click New and select No Delay. Toy around with that and you should get it working just like u want.

To setup up the In Game Macro on the mouse you must first create the In Game Macro in WOW. Then on the mouse create a new custom macro useing text and type in the macro you created in WOW.

Heres a whole Wiki about WOW Macro 2.0:

you can either make a macro lock to a key or number of keys on the keyboard. It will then do what ever that key or key sequence would do in that game or program. Or you can use In Game Macros which execute a ling in game that you create.

Yes i wish you could have a mouse have buttons 1-15 and the just set up in game the only problem is that Most OS’s only support up to 5 button mice. Also in comparison to other companies SteelSeries in handling the buttons just about the same way.

Also if you need any more help your welcome to contact me by email TheProfosist@gmail.com



December 23rd, 2008 22:47 71
This is total BS. THANKS for wasting my time and money. Steel Series should and probably will go out of bussiness for selling junk like this!!! I would like to know who the fuck did they have test this crap before they desided to sell it? This mouse just tured out to be a total scam!!! JUNK JUNK JUNK JUNK!!!


December 24th, 2008 08:42 83
In response to: VERY UPSET December 23rd, 2008 22:47

you never said why you were upset, or why the mouse why junk, and about the testing they defiantly didnt because they dont sponsor professional gaming teams with professional gamers readily available on them. You got the same product that was advertised correct?



December 23rd, 2008 22:56 72
Everyones best bet is to return the mouse, if they got one. Maybe if we all band together then they will make someting worth selling for $99.00. Steelseries really mislead us all about what this mouse could do. As stated above, it is nothing more then a $99 night lite. I mean, come on for $99, it should not have parts broken within a 1/2 hour of use and it should be able to do every thing that was stated it done.


December 24th, 2008 08:45 84
In response to name December 23rd, 2008 22:56

what are your reasons for return? well if you didnt think it was worth $99 why did you buy it? Also why not sell it if you think its so bad theres always ebay. Ok broken parts did you ever ask how to fix it? maybe an exchange for a new one? It can do everything that is in its product specifications. I assume you just dont know how to preform those functions.



December 23rd, 2008 23:28 73
Heck, I’d just be glad to have a mouse to complain about… preordered in OCTOBER on amazon.


December 24th, 2008 08:57 85
In response to Nick December 23rd, 2008 23:28

sorry you havnt gotton yours yet but im sure SteelSeries is doing all they can to get the out faster as well as making revisions and finding ways to speed up production. Companies took too many Pre-Orders. Companies never put a limit to the number of preorders. They have done this before with the Wii’s so why didnt they do it again when they saw all the Pre-Orders coming in. Also i believe that some companies are getting their mice through other companies so SteelSeries dont have a direct connection to them. I know of one thats doing this bn.com gets them through SteelSeries



December 24th, 2008 00:52 74
Save yourself the headache of having to package and ship it back Nick. Cancel while you can and hope they resolve the issue with better quality in the future or that someone else like Logitech comes out with a real 15 button mouse.


December 24th, 2008 09:00 86
In response to na December 24th, 2008 00:52

why cancel its a great mouse. what problems are making you think so badly about it. If you need help id be glad to help you. This mouse is of the highest quality and it hand made during certain processes. Also what did you mean by “real mouse” im pretty sure the mouse exists since im using it right now



December 24th, 2008 04:55 75
As suggested by #69 I did some experimenting with AutoHotKey. While I was able to map what the mouse software considers “windows button 4″ and “windows button 5″ to act as the Ctrl key and Shift key respectively this did not function in practice. While this was technically successful In experimenting however I did get what I hope will prove to be useful information to both Steel Series in updating the next driver/software package and owners for creating workarounds in the mean time.

“Left-Click” (Button 1), “Right-Click” (Button2) and “Move and Steer” (Button3) all execute a down signal when pressed and an up signal when released when left in their default positions. All can be pressed and held simultaneously and function if left in their default positions.

Issue #1: Remapping any of the other buttons as “Left-Click” or “Right-Click”, or even attempting to revers them, will execute the down signal and up signal without any delay regardless of if you click the button or hold it. AutoHotKey also differentiates between a Button 1 press in it’s default location and remapped Button 1 press. It labels this as “artificial”. This leads me to believe this is a software issue not a limitation of the hardware itself. When you leave buttons 1-3 alone the software isn’t doing anything to them. If you edit them it is overriding their normal function and attempting to send the signal for the mouse button direct to windows. In this case what the software has been instructed to send seems to be incomplete?

Issue #2: “Windows Button 4″ and “Windows Button 5″ do not appear to be supported as “real buttons”. They instead are flagged as “artificial” in AutoHotKey and send only an “up” or “release” signal. This seems to be why we are unable to map either of these 2 buttons in game.

Issue #3: When holding buttons 1, 2 and/or 3 the first press of any button on D-Pad, four top mounted buttons or the left mounted toggle switch does not execute. The second press (and subsequent presses) while holding 1, 2 and/or 3 however will execute. So again this leads me to believe this is not a hardware limitation but a problem with the software. It seems to be capable of sending simultaneous signals, it is just doing so incorrectly.

Issue #4: The two buttons above the D-Pad on the right seem to be the exception. They send no signal at all if pressed while you are holding buttons 1, 2 and/or 3 down.

Issue #5: As to the macros only initiating an “up” signal or some issuing an “up” signal with zero delay after the “down” signal; testing by mapping a button to a movement command under “Game Commands” however IS functioning properly. It presses and holds down until the button is released. Only issue #3 or #4 interfere with this.

For me personally I will continue using my old mouse (which achieved everything I’m trying to execute here) until these issues are resolved. I am hopeful now however that these are all possible fixes through a new software release. While I’m rather disheartened that this isn’t preforming properly right now I’m hopeful these issues appear to all be software related rather than physical limitations of the hardware. Hope my rambling was of use to someone.


December 24th, 2008 09:09 87
In Response to JRD December 24th, 2008 04:55

you best best to find answers to those questions is to contact SteelSeries Directly and give them you list of issues. Heres a direct link: http://www.steelseries.com/int/about/contact_us/support/contact_support



Hard Drive Failure

you probably got a scar for the hard drive dying and are a reluctant to get another. Dont be! As hard drives get larger and faster they get hard to produce and more problems occur due to this. Also because the drives are larger there are more places on the platter they can fail and with the speed that they spin at it becomes soo much more likely. For instance just look at like a 750gb drives or 1tb drives over 65% get a 5 star raiting the rest are lower useually because the drive failed at when they got it which you can just send it back and get a new one so they shouldnt even be reviwing it because they couldnt even use it. Then if you look at the 80gb drives an there almost no bad reviws because there is usullt only one platter in them, have far slower speeds, and they are recorded horizontaily. To make the drives so fast and so big the new technology is putting the data on the platter perpandicularly. This has been accepted for about 5 years already and they have so much succes with the gen 2 drives that all drive 320gb and up are now perpandicurlarly recorded on using the gen 3 protocol. So dont be held of about sending it back and getting the same one for free because this hard drive failed it is still a rare occurance. If you based the % bad ones off the reviews there would be a %45-%35 failure rate this is not the case. They come from the plants at %10 failure or less. They really have to. Its just that when their hard drive dies their more likely to leave a review than if it worked perfectly fine. Like i buy stuf from them all the time but never one have i left a review. Just so you know if anything anywhere on the drives fail the hard drive tells your bios it is bad. we might still be able to pull data off it another way its not guarenteed but i can try. One way to prevent this again is just running you OS and programs on a small drive thats just going to fit them and useing this drive for storage. I have adopted this idea for most of my friends because of all the data they save. A 80gb drive which is more than enough is about $35 and slightly larger ones are only about $50. I would suggest this but ts up to you so just left me know whats happenening so i can be prepared. Also just so u know in the last month i have had 3 hard drives fail. 2 of those were 160gb or smaller and the other wasthe second in my server within 6 monthes. In the past year i have had 6+ fail of varrying age size and speed most are older than 5 years which is when their warrenty from the manufacturer wears ot but i have some here that have been running over 8 years with no problem. Also you have to realise how many hard drive i deal with soo thats a really small value that have died.

This was in response to a hard drive i someones computer i just recently built and setup.


A Ending theme dosent make the anime.

to all whom pick at the ending theme. the ending theme dosnt make the anime. no are they rarely even made for the anime. very few endings have i even paid notice to except for Wild Arms TV which has an awesome ending done by guitar wolf others have been catchy but thats about it. also for those of you ragging on the pillows newer albums. have you listened to their original albums or the stuff from when they were an underground band? Their origional Cd release albums were are very American college music esk style and their underground stuff which came before of course was harder closer to My Foot and Pied Piper. Most have probably only come to know the music arround and related to FLCL which is only 3ish albums. Also their style seems to change with their bassists. they go in order as so Kenji Ueda 1989–1992, Tatsuya Kashima 1992–1999, and Jun Suzuki (1999-Present). the albums are as follows i will group them with the bassists. (Moon Gold (1991), White Incarnation (1992))-(Kenji Ueda 1989–1992), (Kool Spice (1994), Living Field (1995), Please Mr. Lostman (1997), Little Busters (1998), Runners High (1999))-(Tatsuya Kashima 1992–1999), and (Happy Bivouac (1999), Smile (2001), Thank You, My Twilight (2002), Penalty Life (ペナルティーライフ, 2003), 90's My Life Returns (2004), Good Dreams (2004), My Foot (2006), Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! (2007), Pied Piper (2008))- (Jun Suzuki (1999-Present)). just listen to the albums and youll hear great differences in style. The FLCL soundtrack is only pulled from Little Busters, Runners High, and Happy Bivouac. Also in addition to that 2 of the main song Ride On A Shooting Star and I Think I Can were written and recorded specifically for FLCL. in addition look at their newest album Pied Piper it is a totally different turn from previous stuff and holds familar but improved beats from the past and yet very good. Take a look at its album artwork and booklet there is almost as much creativeness put into those as the album. Also if you havent had a chance to figure this out yet The Pillows lead guitarist Yoshiaki Manabe has his own solo band Nine Miles. Which is a reggae (because he takes great influence from Bob Marley. yes even in his work with the pillows) and he plays every instrument. I bought his latest album when i was over in japan and it is fairly good and you dont have to like reggae to like it its kinda a cross of rock and reggae in a way. Its like his way to bring his little busters a little look into what influences his musical style. Also the lead singer Sawao Yamanaka has recently started a new band as of 2005 The Predators. And is working with 2 others from other popular japanese bands that helped with the pillows 15 year anniversary tribute album.

Also dont lower your expectations because of a review unless its like a video game where problems with the game just make it utterly unplayable which dosent happen much because its animation. You really should watch just about every anime out the and find out what kind and style you like. One kind and/or style isnt the perfect choice for everyone. There are many kinds of people who watch anime from the casual viewer to the die hard otaku. With anime its really whats in the eyes of the beholder. its how you view it not how someone else has viewed it and told you to view it as such. So Make up your own mind most anime have the first episode on their site or somewhere on the web you can view legally. And remember just because you think the anime sucks dosent mean someone else doesnt love it for some reason or another. For instance just look at the reviews and comments on FLCL.

also for the people who though it was going to be like Planetes. whay did you think that? was it ever stated that it was going to be like it? does it have the same director? writer? animation studio? why does it have to be like Planetes? cant it be what it is and still be good? Its like saying all Giant Robot anime should be like Gundam. I actually think it actually show less talent and skill when a director or writer tries to copy something that was already good and long standing. Like Rahxephon and how close and similarly it mirrored Neon Genesis Evangelion an anime which has been said to have changed a whole prefecture tokyo. now thats not saying Rahxephon wasnt good i watched it and enjoyed it but it showed almost no talent on the story end because it nearly coppied a greatly admired anime and that was the major reason it was good.

One more thing does every new album from a band need to be better better than their last? what if they want to explore? should they explore and not have it published? if so how will they know if its any good? also if they dont explore how do u expect them to expand their knowledge of music and get better then be able to make better music both technically and rhythmically? also if their so called best album was their newest would their sound change at all? i could possibly get boring and you might stop listening to them.

if anyone whats to contact me for any reason email me at TheProfosist@gmail.com
Also please check out my blog and leave a comment there. theprofosist.blogspot.com

this was written in reply to http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=54686


Evolution Proven?

i give to you a shot term look at evolution the caterpillar to the butterfly. that in itself is evolution. also it has been proven where the legs of the caterpillar are is where the spots on the butterflies wings will be. also if you dont base evolution on Darwin many things change. the theory of evolution is ever growing and is being built upon just like Einsteins theories blew newtons theories out of the water but were not able to truly prove them until now. diversity is caused when animals of the same species or close species are mated and are from different environments. their different adaptations cause their offspring to be a mix of the 2. then over time if this is done over and over once enough adaptations have happened it is called a different species because their is barely anything lining it to what is once was. this could easily happen to humans they have found 3 different types of pre homo sapiens that exsisted at the same time period. each vied for egsistance and they could easily interbreed but changing weather caused 2 to die off because they couldn't adapt to the new climate. but some of their traits are within us and are ever shrinking just look at the pinky toe which withing a few generation may be gone. also look at our different races they are at least a start their each have their own adaptations for where they are. but as lad dwindles and we have to go into the sea or space we will be forced together causing many changes that wont be know till they happen. they are already looking into the possibility that humans born in space after generations may not be able to return to their home planet due to the environment their living in. also scientists are working on ostriches, emus, and chickens and trying to de evolve them into dinosaurs over a process in changes wings, tail, teeth and etc. each have peen proven to be changed alone so a process of these may or may not cause the desired effect. also take into effect that most scientists believe there was no longer on big bang but 2 the first being small and the second being huge merging everything everywhere into what we now know as our uniform universe.

this is in reply to:


mistake in review

i said in my review SK Gaming ran the FragYou blog well i was misinformed. But Good news is The blog is written by SteelSeries Danish Headquarters.

Well if you have any other questions, concerns, mistakes to point out, or anything elese please contact me at TheProfosist@gmail.com or stick a comment on the pertaining post

SteelSeries WOW MMO Gaming Mouse MAC Discussion

to all on this discussion i already have my WOW mouse received it 05.03.08 and i preordered it the day it was available on GameStop.com.

also about the mac thing. SteelSeries is a Professional Gaming Gear company the develop their products with Gaming teams. Not many games are available for mac and most of the ones that are are ports from pc where the server setup among other things its totally different. thus the professional gaming community plays on windows. this mouse wont be incompatible with mac it will just assign the default buttons to it. the max programmed into os now is 5 so the others act oddly in win vista probably the same on mac. also you dont need this mouse to play wow you might want to get a good gaming mouse both logitech and razer make select mouse for mac because i nice mouse does wonders not only for your gaming. also this mouse isnt only compatible with wow. the software that comes with it just stupid proofs wow integration. i personally will be using it for MMO's and RTS's and FPS's plus many others but one will not be World Of Warcraft

heres a post on FragYou SteelSeries unofficial blog about how to use the MMO mouse and its software:

if you would like to contact me about anything i am available at TheProfosist@gmail.com i should be able to respond to your email within the hour. Also please check out my site http://theprofosist.blogspot.com/


Customer Discussions > SteelSeries Special-Edition World of Warcraft Mouse forum


Initial post: Oct 30, 2008 6:15 AM PDT
Toccoa says:
The website doesn't discuss Mac. I.e. my guess is if you plug it in then it will behave like a two-button mouse. But did they bother to right a Mac version of the config software? One would expect so in 2008; but a lot of second-tier vendors still fail to do so.

Anyone know?

In reply to an earlier post on Oct 31, 2008 10:07 PM PDT
Zorprime says:
I saw the vendor at Blizzcon 08 and asked him about Mac support. According to him, SteelSeries will support the Mac and release the WoW app and drivers after the initial release. I could not pin him down on an exact date but my guess will be about a month later.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 15, 2008 8:37 AM PST
R. Jackson says:
I asked their tech support before preordering since I also play on a Mac, and the rep told me shortly after the first of the year will we see Mac Support. I can't wait.


SteelSeries World Of Warcraft WOW MMO Gaming Mouse Review Among Other Things

to all on this discussion i already have my WOW mouse received it 05.03.08 and i preordered it the day it was available on GameStop.com. The official release date from GameStop is now December 5th. the release dates changed from November 14th to November 24th then to the 5th of December. GameStop is the only site i know of with a clear release date bot amazon, newegg and SteelSeries own site dont list one

i dont play wow and never plan on doing so. i personally think the more buttons on the mouse the better. if you have used SteelSeries's Ikari Laser Mouse you will be very please it uses the same laser engine and is even lighter and the software is even more robust and you can save up to 10 different button and sensitivity profiles and when you change profile the leds change to the color you have chosen. the off side is there is no way to change cpi (the proper name for dpi) that differs from your profile without using the included software. also without the driver thing cn get pretty messy because depending on the operating system it will ignore your profile and just assign defaults to the buttons and with 15 button that gets kind of crazy because the generic mouse driver is only up to 5 max. also there is no lcd screen on the bottom of the mouse to tell you your cpi setting or which profile your using. also if you if you liked the fact that the ikari laser was not covered in leds you may be un happy with this mouse because it glows in every direction but at least shows the profile your useing. also this mouse is much less ergonomic than the ikari laser and is very wide and feels larger but when put next to each other their actually very close in size. i think this feeling is due to the fact that your main two fingers are spread further apart due to the 2 button behind the scroll wheel and the 2 next to it. if you are buying a new mouse i would say pick either of these if your looking for more than 5 buttons and the lightest mouse ive ever used and gaudy flashieness go with the SteelSeries MMO Mouse but if 5 buttons is enough for you, you like simplicity and the ability to not need the driver installed to use your profile, want a light but sturdy very ergonomic mouse go with the gamer created and gamer tested SteelSeries Ikari Laser. i for now will use both but mostly the MMO mouse until my Ikari laser dies.

if you are looking for a good mouse pad I suggest any of SteelSeries Mouse Pads/Surfaces. The SX is the best and most expensive being made of metal and retailing for $60. then the experience I-2 Second best and mid price. its is made of glass (dont use with optical mice most have issues with glass) and can be found as low as $20 but retails for $40. the next would be the SP made of special pitted plastic (dont use with laser mice most hve problems with the pitted surface they will sence the large change in height as a movement) and retails for $40 and down. the next would then be the s&s solo which is the plastic equivalent to the sx. it has a very thin hard plastic surface on top and soft rubber on the back it retails for $30. there are other SteelSeries Mouse pads the bove are just the ones i recommend. They include the Exxperience I-1 which is a smaller version of the I-2. The QcK series which are thin bendable cloth mouse pads they vary in size and thickness. There are other random ones like the 5L, 5C, and 4D which vary in size and thickness and the surface is a cloth and plastic hybrid.

please read this article written about the ikari laser:

heres a post on FragYou SteelSeries unofficial blog about how to use the MMO mouse and its software:

The site for SteelSeries is http://www.steelseries.com. click international no matter where you are. they havnt updated the other site. also woith te site update they left the entire old site up and never removed it button so to navigate their products click the World Of Warcraft Order Now Button and use the orange and grey button to navigate their products. if you use the oold buttons you will find old products that dont exist anymore and item descriptions will not be update and newer items will be missing

the unofficial SteelSeries blog which is done by SK Gaming major gaming team in professional pc gaming who helps test and develop SteelSeries products is availble here http://www.fragyou.net/. to navigate the site use the categories button on the far right te are oddly ordered but work the best becuse the main site only shows the newest and most popular articles

if you would like to contact me about anything i am available at TheProfosist@gmail.com i should be able to respond to your email within the hour. Also please check out my site http://theprofosist.blogspot.com/

to the person who said that all gaming mice are really flat you are wrong only Razer's mice are flat. you have probably only used their mice because they are popular with people who are just the popular games on pc because they are flashy. the only one of their mice that i have liked is the boomslang their original mouse i used it until it died. logitech's mice are egg shaped until you reach the MX Revolution and the G9 which is when they became very ergonomic and u grip it with your fingers. the mx revolution is an amazing mouse evern though its technically not a gaming mouse. but it is the most comfortable ever. i also used this until it died. steelseries first mouse they built fully independently ws the ikari laser wich is the mouse i was using until i got Steelseries MMO gaming mouse (notice no WOW? thats cause the mouse isnt only for WOW they included idiot proof software specifically for wow). and i will continue useing the Ikari Laser with my MMO Mouse until it dies. This is because in my eyes it is the best mouse developed so far. its not flashy, very light, ergonomic, and no driver is needed to use your custom profile

for the person who said they should have had them at the midnight release of wow. that could have happened b ut then no one who preordered them would have gotten them. also SteelSeries makes very high quality gaming gear their 7G Keyboard is built like a tank. the higher quality now days the longer it takes to produce. also this is SteelSeries first product to enter main stream gaming all of their other gear is designed and marketed to professional gamers and computer enthusiasts not your average casual gamer. they enter this area when they bought out Idezon then reengineered and marketed their products. They kept the Ideaon team as a separate team within SteelSeries Company. That team is who used their connections and developed this mouse with blizzard and then tested the with the SK gaming team. So they didnt expect the amount of preorders and theres no way they can produce them fast enough. this product will probably end up like the wii very hard to find due to manufacturing limitations and popularity. also about the business license revoked i bet u they would have liked to have it out on release with all preorders already filled because they would be racking in money and putting it into development of their next mouse pad/headset/keyboard/mouse. but you cant always have everything u want there are always limitations and unexpected changes.

to the person who said gamestop doesnt know when its going to be released and that they need this mouse to play the game. GameStop knows when its going to be released as soon as their infor if their told a date and the date changes they change the date they can only say when the item will be coming by the info they get from the company. Also you dont need this mouse to play WOW. No one needs this mouse. you need a mouse. have u not played the last 2 WOW titles without this mouse? Im sure ull be able to live and play your new WOW game.

to the person who said there better be a good reason and gave a few examples i give you props. not only did you say something that happens regular with electronics and games but you gave reasons. My guess is as stated above they dont want to release the product until the majority of preorders have been filled also i contacted SteelSeries when they first had the mouse on their site (i did contact them before it was up on their site using the phone i got a real person like a receptionist { yes their still that small } and they said they couldnt talk about it until a official press release but i did get a personal email { that probably shouldnt have been given out but it was nice of them }) the only information they could give me is the stuff they already had up but i know their products pretty well and knew that they had just merged with Ideazon. So i asked some questions like did ti use the same engine as the Ikari Laser, do you have Ideazon's Team working on this since they have the connection to Blizzard, was it going to be tested by SK Gaming. All of those questions get a yes nothing more but a yes. so my guess is that they were letting professional gamers test it under tournament condition since there was a big WOW tournament recently. Another thing is is that they started the development of this mouse not to long after SteelSeries bought out Ideazon and i believe it was Blizzard who wanted the mouse by the release. Not much time to make a new 15 button mouse and software and driver from the ground up.

to the person who said they should just ship out what they have. what you have to understand is that unless you purchased it directly from SteelSeries you are buying through a company which has so many preorders and there are other companies that have possibly more preorders they can just give one company the mice and the other not. people would then find out that one company has them and others dont then cancel their orders and try to get the at the company who had them. they no longer would have because they woiuld have shipped them all out to preorder customers. also not everyone who orders this mouse plays WOW i for one dont its a computer mouse not a WOW only computer mouse so other hard core gamers that have been waiting like i have for a mouse with more than 5 buttons would have preordered 2. Once again YOU DONT NEED THIS MOUSE TO PLAY WOW you may not even like useing once u have it if youve played the past 2 games with a certain control set you will have to change nearly every button. also theirs cpi changes, polling rate changes, x&y axis changes + more. Most WOW players probably dont know what those terms mean or what they do. You also said there are 11 million players and are acting like each is going to buy the mouse well if they were why dont they just package the mouse with the game. i mean if your going to go that way why not add the mouse pad and keyboard. Not every person is willing to shell out $100 for a mouse especially one they dont fully undestand or know why they should buy it. most people never upgrade their mouse they really should but dont. they use the crappy ball or optical mouse that come with your computer. another thing if you bough this mouse would u even know what to buy with it because what the point of having this awesome $100 mouse if your using a freebie PS/2 keyboard and a cheap cloth and foam mouse pad from Wal-mart. SteelSeries 7G Keyboard to complement this is $150 also you cant use the mouse on no mouse pad it would wear the feet too fast and you would replace the whole mouse because most people dont know you could just replace the feet. in the en the setup run $300+ depending what your getting and if you want a headset or not.


Customer Discussions > SteelSeries Special-Edition World of Warcraft Mouse forum

Initial post: Nov 17, 2008 10:44 AM PST
Eleanor Hill says:
Does anyone know exactly when this will be available? I had heard that it would be out on the 13th of Nov. but obviously that hasn't happened. No fun leveling without a new shiny toy to go along with it.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 23, 2008 6:01 PM PST
Julie Gondar says:
I just asked SteelSeries and they are estimating, "the end of November". That's the best that I could get from them.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 24, 2008 7:20 AM PST
J. Darois says:
According to the BN.com site "Available for Pre-Order This item will be available on November 25." So tomorrow.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 24, 2008 7:28 PM PST
Eleanor Hill says:
Dude...I hope so. That would be sweet! :D

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 25, 2008 8:47 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 25, 2008 8:47 PM PST
Joseph Pianta says:
I don't know where your seeing that, amazon has this on my account page

" The following item will arrive after December 25, 2008. "

I'll be level 80 by then!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 26, 2008 2:09 AM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 26, 2008 2:10 AM PST
Jason Therrien says:
I pre-ordered it from Game Stop, and paid for it in full, at the beginning of November. I was told it would be at my local midnight release event.
At the midnight release, I was told it would be there the following Saturday (the 15th).
On Saturday, I was told it would be there Monday (the 17th).
Monday, I was told it would arrive Tuesday (the 25th).
Yesterday, I was told it would be there today (the 26th).
However, Game Stop's website now says December 5th. I'm starting to get very frustrated, and I am very close to just asking for my money back, and purchasing a different mouse, as I need a new one kind of badly.

In short: I have no idea when it's being released, and Game Stop doesn't seem to have any idea either.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 27, 2008 8:16 AM PST
Eleanor Hill says:
It is aggravating and a really bad business decision not to have it available for the midnight release of WotLK. Can you imagine having seen them at all of the stores that were open for that? All kinds of sales could have been made, but as it stands now they are losing sales. What could the problem possibly be? Higher demand than anticipated? Over 11 million people play WoW...way to not be prepared, SteelSeries and Game Stop. Better be here soon. BN.com says Dec. 5 now, and they've already charged me for it...if they have any business sense at all, it will be at my house before Dec. 25 *at the latest*. If they screw up a possible holiday release, they should have their business license revoked.

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 3, 2008 3:44 PM PST
Jennifer Leising says:
I wanted this mouse after I saw it at Blizzcon and they mentioned "November". When I picked up my game at GameStop on Nov 13th's midnight release they said "Tomorrow".

I don't NEED the mouse and honestly, my complaint with the mouse was that it didn't fit perfectly well in my hand (I'm a girl -- I have small hands. Most gaming mice suffer from flat-palm surfaces and make me stretch to the tips of my fingers to hit the buttons squarely) but I figured the additional buttons would really help (I'm a multiboxer and, pre-wrath, Sunwell raider. I use LOTS of keybindings).

Sucks that it's not here. Their reasons better be good -- i.e. they better be working out the softare/hardware bugs or something. If Amazon has my money already and they're dragging their feet about the release, I expect the product to be worth the wait.

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 3, 2008 5:27 PM PST
C. Pianta says:
SteelSeries is silly to think they are going to fill all the orders at time of release, there are 11 million people and counting that are playing WOW. SteelSeries needs to just ship what they have done. Put people on back order waiting list.


Site Still Down

Sorry to all followers but this site is still down im sorry its taking soo long but ive been very sick and have been in school the entire time along with work. Hopefully I will have this site back up in spring or summer. I will try to get it up before ACEN 2009. Sorry about last year but everything crashed while i was at ACEN so i couldnt fix it.