
Hard Drive Failure

you probably got a scar for the hard drive dying and are a reluctant to get another. Dont be! As hard drives get larger and faster they get hard to produce and more problems occur due to this. Also because the drives are larger there are more places on the platter they can fail and with the speed that they spin at it becomes soo much more likely. For instance just look at like a 750gb drives or 1tb drives over 65% get a 5 star raiting the rest are lower useually because the drive failed at when they got it which you can just send it back and get a new one so they shouldnt even be reviwing it because they couldnt even use it. Then if you look at the 80gb drives an there almost no bad reviws because there is usullt only one platter in them, have far slower speeds, and they are recorded horizontaily. To make the drives so fast and so big the new technology is putting the data on the platter perpandicularly. This has been accepted for about 5 years already and they have so much succes with the gen 2 drives that all drive 320gb and up are now perpandicurlarly recorded on using the gen 3 protocol. So dont be held of about sending it back and getting the same one for free because this hard drive failed it is still a rare occurance. If you based the % bad ones off the reviews there would be a %45-%35 failure rate this is not the case. They come from the plants at %10 failure or less. They really have to. Its just that when their hard drive dies their more likely to leave a review than if it worked perfectly fine. Like i buy stuf from them all the time but never one have i left a review. Just so you know if anything anywhere on the drives fail the hard drive tells your bios it is bad. we might still be able to pull data off it another way its not guarenteed but i can try. One way to prevent this again is just running you OS and programs on a small drive thats just going to fit them and useing this drive for storage. I have adopted this idea for most of my friends because of all the data they save. A 80gb drive which is more than enough is about $35 and slightly larger ones are only about $50. I would suggest this but ts up to you so just left me know whats happenening so i can be prepared. Also just so u know in the last month i have had 3 hard drives fail. 2 of those were 160gb or smaller and the other wasthe second in my server within 6 monthes. In the past year i have had 6+ fail of varrying age size and speed most are older than 5 years which is when their warrenty from the manufacturer wears ot but i have some here that have been running over 8 years with no problem. Also you have to realise how many hard drive i deal with soo thats a really small value that have died.

This was in response to a hard drive i someones computer i just recently built and setup.

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